Dating niche solo ads

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They have access to players in the bizopp, self help, political, and health niches. Short Answer: If you want traffic to your offer — YES. But I highly recommend using SoloAdsX because we filter out the prime and the scams in the market and dating niche solo ads you only the best of the best. According to the recent marketing study done by Psychology Today, people rationalize buying decisions with logic, but they make buying decisions based on feelings. It makes sense that it would be cheaper to advertise within Facebook than try to file people elsewhere outside of the network. The potential is limitless. I wish you the best, Edwin. The swipe should have information about the giveaway and what they can expect to get after they click the link in that email along with a strong call to action. Two file posts in the same week. As the CPCs increase the quality also increases in most cases for obvious reasons Think Toyota versus Rolls Royce. I have some quick questions if it is OK to ask!.

I thought he was crazy and should really be learning the basics first as he had never even built a website before. Being on Stack That Money however also convinced me to give Facebook advertising a try as well. You just find the offer, get a traffic source, and test test test. Actually less effort than I thought it would be, based on my own results, but effort nonetheless. I decided then and there that I would put all of my effort into Facebook. It makes sense that it would be cheaper to advertise within Facebook than try to send people elsewhere outside of the network. I do enjoy this kind of data; especially when you can get it so fast. I was more pleased with my Click-through rate. Step 2: Use Facebook Conversions on an Email List Now that I had a small grasp once again on how to put ads together, I decided to go for some conversions. This is for a website where I sell software, but not in the marketing niche. This is my own product, so I would be keeping 100% of the commissions. I wanted to optimise how much I was paying for each click. What I did at this stage was use the best title I found from my previous tests I did a few more similar to step 1, but for different age groups then load it up with 20 images. Therefore, I had 2 campaigns in Facebook with 10 ads each, all with the same title and body text. The only thing that differed was the picture. Two observations can be made: 1: The picture has a HUGE effect on CTR. My 3rd most clicked ad actually had the best conversion rate. The other campaign ran with slightly worse results which I believe is because I was targeting a younger demographic. Older people seemed happier to give an email address. Quite a lot better than most solo ads actually — and highly targeted — so I was fairly impressed with this. This is also forgetting that I would get more conversions for a cheaper price after optimising the campaign and taking out low-performing ads. Sidenote: How to Set-up Facebook Conversion Tracking Apparently this is only a recent thing within the last year and has transformed how people are running their Facebook campaigns. You get this nice little tracking code that you can put on your website: While Facebook suggest that you should put this before the end of your head tag like most code, you can just enter it into the page or post on a WordPress site and it tracks fine for me. You can then go ahead and put this on your Thank you page — where someone gets redirected after an email opt-in — or on the registration form of a product after payment. Wherever you can tell that someone has actually completed a conversion. While other members are going off into other verticals, Plenty of Fish and Facebook advertising seem to be talked about more than anything else. This is how some people are making thousands of dollars per day on the Facebook ad network. I decided to test it out in a not-so-crowded country meaning not America, the UK or Australia and see how I could do. It turns out, I did very well. More on that in a second. I found myself getting higher click through rates with the same ads on the 40-50 age group, rather than 20-30 and so on. The ad frequency I highlighted in that ad shows that some people have seen the same ads over and over again. I have absolutely no idea which ads are bringing in actual users. I need to research other tools or anyone in the comments? But I have no idea. As someone who had only played with Facebook for a few days, I was pretty surprised that I was making these profits. Now I can totally see how people are doing six figure months and killing it. I know they exist, so I may as well be trying with them. I will still stay clear from the biggest markets, and perhaps rely on some friends for translating into other countries. More on this in a future post I think. This number would have been a little higher, but I did have a couple of refunds which brought it down a bit. I own the product, so the profit margin is huge. I messed up somehow and was tracking the wrong thing, which Facebook clearly registered. Lesson learned: Make sure your set-up is correct before going out and letting your ads run. One of them actually had a 0. I am promoting to pretty tight demographics though 5 year age groups, in particular cities. I was obviously very happy and excited from the results for my previous test, so I thought I should start setting up things with the Google Adwords network. I decided from the start that I was going to play around with the Content network rather than search results. Meaning anyone who runs ads on their websites using Google Adsense has a chance to display my own ad and that my ads would not appear in search results when you look for something. A sample of the ads I ran in one campaign Now, I did say I was going to use this as a learning experience, and I am, but I quickly decided that at least for now, Facebook is far more interesting to me than the Adwords network. For this reason, I decided to stop sending traffic direct to a sales page and once again send people to an email list. My thinking was that I can get 100 or 200 email subscribers, and then probably get more than 2 sales from those people. I got a few hundred new email subscribers, sent them a few follow-up emails, and then pushed them on the product. I now know I may as well push this campaign hard, max out my profit margins and get as many customers on board as I can. Simply get used to the Facebook system and see how quickly you can get approved. Hell, I just used the default picture from my Fan page which Facebook pulled up for me. Run around 5 ads within the same demographic i. Keep the ad copy text the same. Notice how much of a difference one little change can have on the click through rate. Step 2: Start promoting a page on your website where you have some kind of opt-in form. This time choose your best title from the previous tests and have some fun with the images. You can then optimize for conversions rather than just paying for clicks. Step 3: Find an offer. There are literally thousands of companies you can sign up with such as , instant approval , etc. I am currently only using one of those three, but I will very shortly be using a number of companies recommended to me on STM. I did and had a lot of success with it. This means, of course, that you can market to them at a later date after building a connection. Read affiliate blogs and reviews for specific programs to find out what kind of verticals are big. Forex, dating, Facebook game installs, iPhone Apps etc are all big and all offer a CPA Cost Per Acquisition or CPL Cost Per Lead model where you get paid for every lead or paying customer you send someone. The potential is limitless. Step 4: One Headline, One Demographic, One Hundred Images The best advice I received was basically to keep your ad copy the same and go through a massive testing spree with images. Not necessarily 100 pictures, but at least a few dozen. If your target demographic is not too small, then split this up between 2-3 campaigns with 10 ads in them each. Again, each time keep the title of your ad and the ad copy the same. Just go through styles of images. Another thing I love about PPC is that the more testing you do, the more likely you are to find a profitable campaign. Meaning, you have to do it all over again. The solution is fairly simple. Hopefully this solves some frustrations for those of you who try the platform. The 3 Tools I Tested in this Case Study I did use a number of tools to help in my learning and to speed up the process for this case study. The reason I paid for it in the first place was to get more insights into the data that Alexa currently has. By default, Alexa shows you 5 words or phrases that are likely driving traffic to any website. You can see this for free without needing an account. However, with a pro membership, they say you can see a lot more of this information. I wanted to use it on sites in my industry and for ViperChill while I had access to find good keyphrases to target for things like my Adwords campaign and possibly for content ideas as well. No, it gives you 10. Barely more useful than the free service itself, and I can only praise the fact that they gave me a quick refund. My market is bigger than that, but seemingly not from Facebook as my ad frequency just becomes too high, too quickly. This leaves the potential for consistent, 4 figure days in profit. I bought myself a notebook and a fancy pen really just to take notes from -aff for the next few months. There are a lot of case studies from people banking really hard with Facebook dating. Really great study, I think I might have an idea what niche you are in. I work in the SaaS industry and we have a very similar model. Also can definitely relate to your point about SEO vs. PPC I have just started to get into in the last year or so. Now on to the real gold in this article…Facebook. Almost like Google 2002 all over again… Will be going back and reading this again, specifically the pieces on Facebook. Reading through your post, it seems like I wrote it — so I definitely agree with 99% of everything here! That post that John wrote was mostly for link-bait and self-promotion as you can see from the last section of it — July was certainly a massive drop for me, but I still pulled in a good 5 figures profit from my campaigns. Anyhow, glad to see you doing well — and feel free to hit me up sometime. I never did it to an affiliate offer or sales page though. It worked better when they were around 200,000 — 400,000 for testing purposes. Then you can really nail in the demographic once you have a high-ctr. So testing much smaller age groups 5 year chunks and then even target by cities in that particular country as well. You can see in one of my screenshots the reach was only 5,400, but I had a ton of these. What a great insight in the possibilities of FB Ads. I sell a product on JVZoo, but the buyer is not redirected to a hosted page of myself and I cannot specify it. You would just put your tracking cookie there. Are you absolutely sure? You can go in and edit the setup if you want to add your own sales confirmation page. It is a good idea to make it a registration page for customers to make a list of your customers, and you can put the Fb conversion pixel on that page. I like controlling the process myself instead and I think customers can get the product much faster that way. Tried finance, insurance, claims on fb… but games, dating, casino games etc. Once again, great post man! In fact, also turn off the Search partners, just focus on pure Google search. Add exact, phrase, or modified broad match keywords. Keep it uber tight. And focus on clear intent. Thanks for delivering the goods and the words of caution too. Anyone can set it up, but it takes some careful deliberation and testing to be successful. But I think the much smarter path for long term success is in seeing the potential of creating and marketing your own products via this method. No, seriously, your case studies are consistently eye opening. No one even begins to compete with Viperchill on that front. I tried Adwords for a bit but their rules changed and my landing pages got rejected. I seems like FB give you much more freedom on what you can do. I like your reference to providing quality content to your audience consistently and not rehashed information. Now I make a living consulting and providing SEO to local and national clients. So forgive me if I missed it, but did you talk about whether you can direct link to any CPA or affiliate offer from FB ads? I know Google and other platforms have restrictions. I was hoping LINE on iPhone had a search function, so you can see me talking to my friends about it. I have been dabbling in this myself over the last month through Peerfly. I tried some cheaper traffic sources such as 7Search but the traffic from Facebook is much better. I think the industry is very competitive but if you can find a good campaign, you can scale it up. Hope you keep seeing good results like this. I have pushed traffic to FB pages in the past as I felt I would get a better return long term, however I like the quick results you can get from a direct campaign. It all boils down to testing, testing, testing. If you continue with FB ads you gotta try the power editor out. There is an option to target ads in the newsfeed instead of the sidebar which is amazing. So inspiring and motivational! Just to re-cap and to make sure I have a decent understanding, I just want to double check with you. So you tested a few different things.. You setup an AD to send someone directly to your e-mail opt in list where you would work up to the product offer. You also tested sending people to a Faceboook page to get likes.. Thanks again for the awesome content! The answer is yes to all of your questions. Google and Facebook both promoted my ads direct to a sales page. More on this in the next post. I only have one Adwords account… 3. If you think like that, then yes. I remember people saying it 3 years ago. Two great posts in the same week! I have 2 questions regarding two your article. For the campaign to the persons who like Apple in Spain, your campaign was in Spanish or English? Thanks for another great post. You recommend setting up a fan page and sending likes to it? Also, once you get the likes is that when you start promoting your squeeze pages as posts on the page correct? This is a mindset that I think is very important for any one testing out this medium. You need to be prepared to see little or no immediate financial gain for your efforts unless you have the letters V and C in your handle and that any money you are spending is: a: within your budget and will not leave your family out on the streets b: to be used for the longer term gain, once you figure out a winning strategy This certainly helps me not to become frustrated when my initial tests into different markets and PPC channels do not yield an immediate profit. Nice one and good luck. Also I need to consider using Facebook ads even though I detest FB for some reason — I need to get past my personal opinion. We do run a business that lends itself well to FB so worth a punt. Excellent stuff from you as usual. Important question though, did you send that Facebook ad traffic when you got 73 subscribers to a out and out squeeze page? Or was it to a page with a bit more on it to get your ad approved? Thanks in advance for your answer. Will use this post as a Guideline now. The education niche was job listings so it was quite easy to get people lured in due to this evergreen niche. Thanks for putting this together mate. This feels like a stupid question but I need to ask: do you direct your PPC traffic to your own custom landing page or directly to the affiliates offer page? If only because I love watching stats tick over! I then monetized my page with a few post ads and managed to get 200% ROI from one of them. So have been looking for quality info ever since, and voila your article pops up in the email. Great post and thanks for the link to STM, have just joined and it will hopefully take marketing on FB to another level. Some good gold nuggets in there. Incidentally, I thought I would mention before I forget. Facebook does re-targeting from your website, therefore visitors to your site can be followed over to facebook displaying your ads as they move around. A big player in the UK banking sector has seen some exceptionally CTR and conversion for revenue with this method. I guess if you are sending them to Facebook page from Ads, then to your website, it maybe worth capturing those that drop from your site and re-target them with a more specific ad. Glen I have read you for awhile now and love your approach and ability to explain things in such a detailed way, but I just have hardly any interest in SEO as opposed to paid traffic, which is where the really really big people online are making MASSIVE incomes. So I love reading your stuff because of your approach and style and insights, which is why I personally am really rooting for you to do more about what I am actively trying to get better at: PPC and paid traffic. Just had to throw my vote in here! Are you going to test out integrating an opt-in form into Facebook? Rankings have increased a few places, but looking forward to what happens in the next few weeks. Keep up the great work. Check out this video in regards to being able to track your PPC campaigns using the Facebook Conversion Pixel , Prosper 202 allows you to take the conversion pixel and run it through the software, which then creates a tracking pixel you can submit to your network. Prosper 202 is a pain in the arse to begin with but after a couple of days it becomes second nature. Are you going to have backup accounts on standby? There must be something in it. How does that make any sense? I have some quick questions if it is OK to ask! What works best for you CPM or CPC? Thanks and keep up the good work! Is it cheaper to bid? The problem is people can also sign up for an emaillist and buy the product many months later so how can I track? Really looking forward to your post this year. Keep up the good work! I find targeting difficult in weight loss niche. Gender and age is fine, but interests is more difficult since being overweight touches every corner of life. I appreciate all the help, Glen. Looking at your CTRs, I thought you must be running ads in the sidebar and the newsfeed. I see from the comments that you are ONLY running ads in the sidebar… Which makes those some great CTRs for FB. Clearly your testing strat is working. I run paid traffic campaigns for clients but after reading this am tempted to try my hand at affiliate marketing. The CPM is more expensive but the massive CTRs 1-3% bring the equivalent CPC way down. I find cost per engagement and cost per conversion are both cheaper with newsfeed only. Also, learn to use power editor. Learning power editor will put extra money in your pocket, I promise. Thanks for the STM tip. Honestly I used to make a profit from Adwords, but I hate Google for eating too much of our pie, making our work harder with lesser profits. Since then, I decided to shut down all my PPC campaigns and focus on SEO. Pls share what you have achieved in near future. FB is here to stay! Is this still the case? Is there any trick to setting it up? I do have a question, and I was hoping that maybe you would have time to give me some pointers.. Would really appreciate your comment on this, or if you maybe could point me in the right direction for further reading on the subject. Thanks for everything, and all the best to you. Made me paranoid about getting banned on Facebook. Can you tell me in steps what your process was in determining that particular country and those particular demographics? I am not asking for the country, or the site, I just want to know your process for elimination. Or will that be covered in the upcoming post? They sell a product that is expensive and definitively not an impulse buying. Do I have to make my own landing page? A page that should persuade the visitors to click on my affiliate link and maybe buy something in the end , or is it ok to use DIRECTLY the url with affiliate link as it was provided by the affiliate company? Does facebook accept that i assume yes? Is it wise to do it? One clarification: I already am a member of cj. Did you just use the cloaked affiliate link in your facebook campaigns without letting the affiliate network know about it? Did you try that without letting the network know about it? Any tips on that? I found that a lot of people are saying that STM was a great ressource in the past but since the 2013 it gets less frequented and that there is not a lot of useful information posted anymore. People claim that the content which is on there is outdated and that its getting harder if not impossible to be successful at facebook ppc campaigns. What would you say about that? Would you still encourage people to give it a try? Have you been successful with the goals you wanted to achieve with this? Can you tell us if the STM Forums are still active? The content on the homepage also seems kind of outdated since they are refering to the year 2012. Although my CTR is 10. So far there is no conversion. It is a CPL offer but so far the offer has no conversion. Hope to get answers to both questions because these are going to have very big impact on the overall campaign and I am really struggling with this. I had a few question. I tried to subscribe to and got a confirmation mail. I got a link to which is a guilde but it gave 404 error. I replied to them but the mail bounced. My question is — Is still valid. I see that the blog posts are are a year old and the forum page talks about the money made in 2012 on the banner. Thanks again for sharing this wonderful information. I have been reading and I wanted to know if it is actually allowed to direct from Fb ads to your affiliate link, i have read mixed comments so I wanted get that doubt out of the way. Finally since i dont really have a website, how does directing to a landing page influences the final outcome? A couple questions though, as I am new to PPC and FB advertising. When signing up for affiliate programs like Clickbank, do I need to have a website? In the article you talked about getting likes for a FB page. Do I need to make a FB page, or do the ads work in such a way that I make the ad and then when users click on it the ad takes them to an external website, where if they do a certain action I get paid? Thanks so much for this post! If you can, please share! I think what I will do is to sign up for ALL of these services for the trial membership and try them each out. Just a couple questions: 1. Did you ever do a follow up post to this? I read a couple months after you published this FB cracked down on dating affiliates. Did you experience this when you followed up? Long time reader, first time commenter here. Congrats on all of your success! It covers Search, Display, tracking, , reporting, and so much more in great detail. I know the traffic is more expensive there than many other networks, but of course scaling possibilities are almost endless once you find the sweet spot. Best of luck and thank you for all that you do for the internet marketing community! Is ther someone here who can help me to make a better online campaigne? I know you mentioned a sale page here, but in another more recent post, you focused your ads on the fan page, and said that was better Would love to hear an update on this if possible!

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